Thursday, June 17, 2010

Half Moon Bay Girl

I know the blog title is unoriginal, but in light of the new Katy Perry-California Gurls song that seems to be the theme of my move, I decided to follow suit and title the blog accordingly. The purpose of this blog is twofold: 1) to just keep updates for my Law school and Midwest friend (who I miss very very much), and 2) in light of my awesome stories, try and convince all of you to move out here with me!!

These are pictures along my running route in the afternoons.

The beach curves and bends for about 2 miles to downtown. Downtown mind you is about 4 blocks long and filled with little mom and pop shops. The coffee shop has a special button on it's coffee machine for my mother's specialty coffee, and they knew who I was even before I introduced myself. When I walked into this particular coffee shop the other morning, a knitting club was sitting on the waiting area. We live in the twilight zone.

We also live next to cows. My mom is particularly fond of the cow A09-they recorded themsevles feeding cows...this is what happens when city folk move to the country

Other than that, I spend my days working on my Masters Thesis, working part-time in the city, and catching up with old high school and college friends-not a whole lot going on! Par and I are trying to keep each other on track to get rid of that road trip weight! But I can't say it's a total success...there's just way too much good food and wine out here!

I miss you all, and can't wait to see many of you in July!

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