Wednesday, June 30, 2010


For the past few weeks, I've been caught in that post-grad whirlwind that I'm pretty sure many of you can understand. Constantly checking Craigslist in hopes that the perfect job is right at the top of the thread, and you are the fist (and best) candidate to apply. Refreshing gmail to see if that job, or any job, responded inviting you to interview. It goes so far as deleting your J.D. credential for some job applications, because you don't want another email saying, "You appear to be too qualified for this job." We are graduates, with incredible credentials, "Top 1% of the nation" right? Yet somehow, I'm not feelin'.

All these distressed feelings came to a head the other night. My dad, the always strong advocate for my career goals, reminded me that "everything's going to work out, it just takes time." Well, for those who know me I'm just about the least patient person on the plant-it's pretty terrible. But I suppose I have no choice. My mom decided to throw in her two cents, and proceeded to show me a wave of youtube inspirational videos. As Hallmark as it sounds, I can't tell you how much it brightened my day! One video I particularly enjoyed, and if you have a few minutes, you should really check it out, I'm the greatest pitcher in the world! Some kids make a joke about moving back home, and for most I'm sure it's not the ideal situation. But temporarily, I am so glad to be around my two parents-they're my biggest cheerleaders! It's also so nice to be closer to Bec, I've seen her more this past month, then the past 7 years. Definitely can't move away from these guys again!

I've also been reading the newspaper like crazy. New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and of course, Huffington Post. Somehow being connected with the news puts everything in perspective and reminds me, I am pretty lucky-if still unemployed! But the other great thing about reading the paper, is it give me new cooking advice! There is a huge debate in the family as to when, what, where we will get a new outdoor grill. My dad loves his little Weber grill, but I think it's outdated and more importantly I don't know how to use it. I told him to get with the times and get an outdoor gas grill, but the man isn't budging! I'm going to show him this article, 101 Fast Grilling Recipe's and hope the prospect of having me cook such delicious food will be inspiration enough to invest in a new outdoor grill!

Lastly, just for fun I've been looking at crazy houses, condo's, and apartments in the city that I'll never be able to afford, but it's fun in any event. I really want to start looking at these, so if anyone is up for a trip into the city I say we go visit some open houses and see how the other side lives! This house in particular is my favorite! It's so creepy and bizarre, it's perfect! The rooms go on forever, watch the whole slide show, it's unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. I’d die to live in SF!!! Just a few more years and it might (highly unlikely due to the fact that the bay is so freaking expensive and we will be thousands and thousands of dollars in debt) be a possibility. That house is amazing… well the frame of that house is. I would suggest to anyone who buys/rents this fabulous Victorian, that they update a few things i.e. light fixtures, wood paneling, moose head! I love reading your life as you live it! Keep it coming! P.s. you got me obsessive-ly looking at places in SF on Craigslist… Thanks.
